5 Working from Home Tips to Boost Your Productivity as a Freelancer

When the line that divides your work and home gets erased, you deal with a new challenge – how to stay productive?

Every freelancer who transformed the sanctuary for relaxation known as a home into an office faces the struggle of staying at the top of the game. With the bed only a few steps away, no fixed schedule, and without any supervision to keep you alert, productivity can be the one to suffer.

Should you accept the drawbacks of working from home and settle for fluctuating productivity? Of course not! There is nothing that can't be fixed and improved with the help of the right practices.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the best tips for increasing productivity while working from home.

1. Create a Routine

If you think that no strict work hours is the best part of freelancing, you are right. There’s something freeing about not having a fixed schedule. But how does the productivity feel about all that freedom?

Let’s clear something out. A routine is a good thing. It helps your mind and body adopt certain actions and perform them without draining your energy. A personalized routine can put you in a work mode without struggle and boost your motivation.

Use the benefits of a flexible schedule to design your ideal routine. But, do have one. For example, a morning routine that starts with something enjoyable and relaxing can put you in a better mood for work.

The best part about a routine is that you won't feel like you have to force yourself to work. When your mind and body get used to facing responsibilities after morning meditation, they'll get to it without a fight.

2. Set Up Your Home Office

Designated workspace is productivity's best friend. Having a space that associates you to work is what every freelancer needs.

In case you’re thinking about turning your bed into your home office, think again. Working in bed can create conditioned behaviors that associate your mind to work, not sleep. So, when you get under the sheets, your brain will go “oh, it’s time for emails” – and you don’t want that when you feel sleepy.

So, you should find a little corner or a room that will be your work-only zone. Here are a few suggestions to make that happen:

  • Keep the desk clean and organized
  • Make sure that the room is bright and ventilated
  • Add motivational quotes and/or images

3. Create Daily To-Do Lists and Prioritize

How familiar are you with daily to-do lists and prioritizing? If these two methods aren't yet embedded in your life, it's time to change that.

While monthly plans are good, daily to-do lists are even better. You are way too preoccupied to remember every responsibility. That’s why you should write them down. Your tasks will seem more manageable, and you’ll be better at organizing your time.

But let’s not stop with to-do lists. Take a deeper look at your responsibilities and prioritize them.

It is recommendable that you tackle the hardest task first. In that way, the feeling of accomplishment will increase your productivity.

In addition, creating priorities will help you notice timely when you need to outsource assistance. For example, if talking to a potential client is today’s priority, you can order proofreading services to handle the editing of your video script. It’s all about effective time and task management.

4. Work Without Distractions

If you want to do as much as possible in a short period, you know what to do – eliminate distractions.

Now, this may be the hardest part about working from home. You’ve got your family there, your phone shamelessly tempting you to list through the feed, and your multitasking desire going through the roof. So, let’s discuss how you can handle this like a pro.

You want to establish a distraction-free environment. That’s how productivity likes it. With that in mind, consider doing the following:

  • Let your family know that they mustn’t interrupt you while you work
  • Put your phone out of your sight when you work and mute it
  • Block distracting sites on your computer
  • Work in chunks of uninterrupted time

To achieve the latter, you can set timers. For example, block out all distractions for 45 minutes. Don’t use your phone. Don’t even make eye contact with anyone. It’s only you and your pile of work for the next 45 minutes. Then, take a break.

The brain will thank you for this because it will have a chance to do its thing without distractions while the focus is at its peak.

5. Spare a While for “Me Time”

Burnout is productivity's nemesis. If you get to the stage when you feel overwhelmed with work, you can forget about feeling productive. This is why you must adopt the "prevention is the best cure" type of thinking.

To prevent burnout, you need to find time for relaxation. Your daily schedule must feature a work-free activity.

However, make sure that you truly relax. Jogging and thinking about how you can increase the client’s revenue won’t help. Charge your productivity levels by allowing yourself to enjoy something without a work thought in sight.

Final Thoughts

Productivity and efficient freelancing go hand in hand. This is why making sure that you are productive is such an important task. So, don’t let the productivity threats of remote working hold you back. Apply these tips and ensure that your home is a productivity-friendly environment.