The Benefits of Hiring Freelancers

You’re doing well for yourself. Your company is off the ground and running. Profits are coming in, and you’re relieved that your hard work is finally paying off. Then out of nowhere, tragedy strikes. An employee quits, or you had to fire him to protect your business. Business dies down and your employees complain about small paychecks; one of them walks out on you. You’re running short and lost some of your greatest talent. Someone suggested you find a freelancer on goLance.

After hiring the freelancer, your business is up and running again. You have no complaints and are satisfied with the work your freelancer produces. It suddenly strikes you. Your employee expenses are lower, but you’re paying the freelancer the same as your other employees. How did this happen?

One of the greatest benefits of hiring freelancers is that they are essentially self-employed and running their own business. Here is a list of expenses freelancers DO NOT incur to your business.

  • Payroll taxes.
  • Insurance expenses; medical, dental, life.
  • Paid time off; vacations, sick days, maternity leave.
  • Retirement, 401K, Worker’s Compensation, Disability.

In addition to being cost effective, freelancers are also highly talented in their skill set. Freelancers have traded the benefits of traditional employment to live freely. Freelancers know the risks, the tax filing laws, and other associated legal concerns with their employment status. Freelancing is something that the freelancer wanted to do. They are entrepreneurs on a path that no 9 to 5 would have ever offered them.

Besides saving money, what are some other benefits to hiring freelancers?

  • Freelancers are flexible with their time.
  • They live for the project, as opposed to employees feeling obligated.
  • Freelancers can have multiple talents and skills.
  • They understand the importance of a business culture.
  • They are in a community of adding value, not scarcity for employment.
  • They know how to build relationships.
  • Digital reputation is a serious topic. It's what they build for you, and how they become hired.

Freelancers on average have one to three contracts in which they work simultaneously. They have a level of enthusiasm and drive unmatched in the traditional work force. They understand that their position may not be needed for more than a few months, nor are they expecting a career out of the work you are providing them. If your freelancers are no longer needed, they will not take closing the contract to heart. Freelancers will always do what they do best; find more work for their skills.

Here at goLance, we hope that as a client, you continue to build relationships with the available freelance talent for many years to come. If you have received exceptional service from a freelancer, please kindly review and refer them.

Thank you for working with us!