Multiple Companies on goLance – Your Corporate Umbrella

It goes without saying that every business benefits a great deal when hiring freelancers. But when a business has multiple companies and contractors, keeping team data and company financials organized and separate can be paramount.

With the above thought in mind, goLance has recently added and released a “Multiple Companies” feature to it's growing list of client-side functionality.

Multiple Companies – Who Is It For?

This solution is ideal for clients who need the following accessibility:

  • Creating multiple companies and adding different contractors to each company.
  • Using separate payment methods for each company.
  • Adding managers (account admins) to each company, with the ability to manage their level of account access.
  • View spending/financial data by company.

One Corporate Umbrella That Holds The Key to Multiple Brands

goLance’s Multiple Companies is great for companies that have more than one brand. This feature allows clients to create multiple companies, all under the same 'roof' [a single goLance account, with one login]. There's no limit to the amount of companies you can create, or the number of contractors you can add to each individual company.

If you have multiple brands under your umbrella, the odds are you also have multiple managers or team leads attached to each brand. With this flexible client-side feature, you can add account admins under each company.

How Is goLance’s ‘Multiple Companies’ Different From Similar Available Solutions?

Here’s the simple truth about this client-side solution:

We didn't reinvent the wheel – we just leveled the playing field, by making the wheel accessible to all clients who hire on goLance.

This feature can match any similar solution you’ve used or are still using with one major difference – accessibility to this feature is TOTALLY FREE! Why is that?

We don’t see the important needs of our clients as an opportunity to earn a quick profit, but rather a unique chance to help them grow their business with peace of mind, while also enhancing our platform to continuously match the important needs of our clients.

Our official no-costs-to-client’s policy has no exceptions! Multiple Companies is the best confirmation of this claim.

It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words. This comparison table is worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, in long-term savings.

Multiple Companies on goLance – One FREE Corporate Umbrella For Unlimited Business Opportunities!


The following information has been obtained from the following publicly accessible official Upwork web pages for the comparison purposes only:

goLance Multiple Companies vs Upwork Enterprise