How To Freelance Anywhere On Earth
There is only one occupation that provides you the freedom to take your computer outside and go cross country if need be — it’s freelancing. The world is your office. But let’s pause everything for a quick second…how many of you reading this actually take advantage of the ability to travel?

There is only one occupation that provides you the freedom to take your computer outside and go cross country if need be — it’s freelancing. The world is your office. But let’s pause everything for a quick second…how many of you reading this actually take advantage of the ability to travel? We all say how much freedom we have as freelancers but who out there is really taking advantage of this? How awesome would it be if you did take advantage of this? Work on the beach. Work in a cafe in Paris. Work on a train. Keep reading and we’ll walk you through step by step how to freelance from any part of the world.
3 Ways To Freelance From Anywhere On Earth
1. Do Your Research
Every common tool a freelancer has is their computer. 99% of the gigs out there require you own one. With a computer means internet connection. These two items are vital to the success of your freelancing career. Without either, you won’t get the job done.
Here’s what you do — plan your trip. Plan it as much as you can. During this stage look for areas where you can access WI-FI. Plan your trip according to internet connection. Computer wise, you’ll need a laptop to travel, which I’m guessing most of you already have.
Now getting access to WI-FI that’s another story. Do your research and plan where you can go to connect to hotspots. Once you have this mapped out, you can literally travel anywhere in the world and connect to the web. But first, RESEARCH.
2. Tell Your Client(s)
Remember, your number one goal as a freelancer is to establish trust 24/7. Every move you make, every task you check off, everything you do, should build trust with your client(s). A lot of life comes down to timing. The right timing will put you ahead of the game. The wrong timing can burn bridges with your client(s).
What is the right timing? The right timing is this — plan your trip out first. Have everything prepared and good to go. Then around 30-45 days before the trip tell your client what to expect. Let them know how long you’ll be gone and more importantly that you’ll still be able to communicate with them. Let them know you’ve planned out some WI-FI locations for you two to connect and ensure you’ll be able to talk shop.
In most situations the client won’t freak out about this. Giving a good amount of time / notice, this will put their fears at ease.
3. Stick To A Schedule
When you are finally off on your work vacation make sure to honor a schedule. If you have specific hours of the day you said you were going to be online — make sure you’re online. Go the extra mile and check in with your client(s) every now and then to make sure they don’t need your help with anything.
Having a routine and a clear schedule helps put a lot of worries at ease. Especially on the client side. They know between certain hours and days you can be reached and are ready to work. It’s good practice and will help you optimize what you do.
Final Thoughts…
This doesn’t have to be a vacation to work outside. It could just be a regular day you want to be and about. As long as you have your gear and Wi-Fi you should be good. I challenge each and every freelancer out there reading this to go outside and explore the world. Plan some trip. Plan a getaway. Map out a work vacation. Be a freelancer who works on the beach and gets paid. You have it in you. Do it. Don’t wait. Live the freelancer dream.