GoLance Featured in Markets Insider (Business Insider)

How to thrive in a virtual world that has become a “safe haven” during the pandemic?

This isn’t only a billion-dollar question, but also a matter of the basic survival for many businesses all over the world. One entrepreneur, who’s been a part of the remote work industry for more than a decade, dared to give more than one answer.

A new book that helps entrepreneurs navigate and profit in the virtual world couldn’t pass undetected by the Markets Insider (Business Insider) radar. The article came up with the title of a huge promise of the new remote business opportunities: Industry Expert Michael Brooks Releases REMOTE iT!, a New Book to Help Entrepreneurs Thrive in a Virtual world

The author, “Michael Brooks is the CEO and founder of goLance, an award-winning online freelance marketplace for recruiting, screening, hiring, managing, and paying global talent. goLance has more than 550,000 users and $82 million in payouts (and growing).” So, if you’re looking for and appreciate an experienced guide through the remote work labyrinth rather than a self-proclaimed guru, then REMOTE iT won’t disappoint you. “Brooks has been using freelancers for his businesses and working remotely since 2009.” Meaning, the author of this book preaches what he teaches for quite some time. Not only did his businesses thrive in a remote working environment with the help of freelancers, but he managed to minimize the negative impacts of the pandemic in order to ensure further growth.

As the world desperately searches and impatiently waits for the vaccine, the businesses feel the same way about their own kind of “cure.” Entrepreneurs, big and small business owners, startup founders, all of who refuse to hit the pause button because of the pandemic, will appreciate this book’s “innovative strategies for managing remote teams while helping them to stay connected, fulfilled, and productive.”

Just Do It - Just REMOTE iT!

The legendary Nike’s slogan marked one entire era of prosperity of a completely different world from today’s perspective. I think it’s about time for us to pull our heads out of the sand and just REMOTE iT, plain and simple. There’s no point in feeling nostalgic about the world before the pandemic. “Brooks demonstrates how businesses can gain a significant competitive advantage without the expense and office overhead of traditional business and how entrepreneurs and freelancers enjoy the flexibility and work-life balance available with a remote model.” Could you possibly ask for more?

Make no mistake about it. REMOTE iT is a practical playbook with the real-life “examples, tips, and best practices” that have proven themselves to deliver the amazing results more than once. For example, “Brooks describes creative uses of technology beyond Slack, Skype, and Zoom that takes a remote culture to the next level of connectivity. He uses an Oculus gaming headset and meets in virtual rooms together with team members, clients, and advisors.”

This book will strengthen your business immunity and allow you to simply ignore the pandemic while achieving your goals. You’ve already read the Markets Insider article. Now, all that’s left for you to do is to REMOTE iT, right here and right now!