goLance Featured In Forbes

People are talking about goLance and that's not a coincidence.

When I first heard that goLance was featured in Forbes, I said to myself, well it was about time.

Michael Brooks, An Authority On Remote Work and Freelance-Related Topics

I have been following Michael Brooks, the CEO of goLance, for quite some time on Quora. He is the most viewed writer in remote work and freelance-related topics with more than one million answer views.

That's why I was excited and anxious to read what he has to say about an intriguing question asked in Forbes: Why You Should Always Have A Well Defined Scope Of Work In Your Contract?

The author of this article was eager to find out what's the freelance perspective in these important matters. Michael Brooks' direct quote shed some light on statements of work and project milestones:

"Many freelancing and gig platforms make it easy for contractors to break down bulky projects into sizeable milestones and deliverables and that’s a good thing. That makes it easy for progress to be measured and protects the interest of both parties. The contractor doesn’t have to wait for months to get paid and the client doesn’t have to wait to receive already completed deliverables.”

Keep An Eye on goLance - The Future of Remote Work and Freelance

My word of advice to all businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers out there would be to keep a close eye on goLance. If you want to know how the future of remote work and the freelance industry is going to look like, on this platform you can find the answers.

The fact that goLance is and will be featured in many respectable publications isn't only a matter of prestige for this online marketplace, but also a confirmation that their innovations and approaches are reshaping the freelance landscape.