Best Destinations to Work as a Digital Nomad Writer

As a freelance writer, you have the spectacular opportunity to work anywhere in the world – something that was downright impossible just a decade ago. Thanks to new technologies and possibilities for remote work, you can now change destinations where you work and simultaneously get to know new cultures, meet new people and even learn a new language!

There are several destinations worldwide that freelance writers flock to. The reasons behind a huge influx of digital nomads to a destination is usually great quality of life, cheaper living expenses, plenty of social activities and coworking spaces.

In this article, we're bringing you some of the best destinations you can go and work as a digital nomad!

1. Berlin

When you compare advice, forums, blog and tips from freelance writers who are travelling around the world, you will almost always find Berlin on the top of the list. There are many reasons for this, and it's safe to say Berlin has become a synonym for a digital nomad republic.

As a freelance writer, you will find tons of inspiration in the hustle and bustle of this amazing city full of history and urban culture. You will never lack social events and networking opportunities, because Berlin hosts thousands of international writers, designers, IT experts and other freelancers.

Another great thing about Berlin is that the cost of living is not that high compared to other urban metropolises such as London, Paris or New York. Unlike these cosmopolitan cities, you won't have to fork out half of your earnings for renting a small apartment. The city's districts are also excellently connected via metro, buses and trams (S-bahns), so you can save money on rent by choosing a place that's a little outside the touristic center of the city.

2. Seattle

The Emerald City is another destination every nomad writer should visit, even just for a short while. The city is absolutely vibing with entrepreneurial spirit and the American Dream, thanks to the tech revolution that recognized Seattle as one of its capitals.

But it's not only work in Seattle: the city definitely knows how to play, too. As an inexhaustible source of restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs, you will always have something new to try and new people to meet, which will fuel inspiration for your writing tasks.

“As an American digital nomad, my friends and colleagues were always surprised that I chose to settle down in Seattle (or should we say seattle down). After travelling all over the world with my work on my laptop in my backpack, I just felt that this city is right for me. I feel like I’m at my peek writing productivity when I’m in Seattle”, says Miriam Shelley, a freelance writer at TrustMyPaper and SupremeDissertations who relocated to Seattle two years ago.

3. Thailand

Now, let’s take a little break from the Western world and visit one of the gems of the East: the beautiful Thailand. This entire country has been known to attract Westerners who have the ability to work from anywhere for decades now.

One of the strongest reasons behind this is very cheap living expenses. If you live in an expensive country like the US, UK, France or Scandinavian countries, you simply won’t believe how much things cost there. You can easily find a 5-star hotel to stay in at a tenth of a cost in a Western tourist city.

However, affordability is far from the only thing the country has to offer. It allows travelers, digital nomads and remote workers a complete detox from the Western culture: you’ll be able to see, hear, feel and taste things that you couldn’t even imagine.

One of the possible drawbacks is the language – it’s radically different to Indo-European languages and it really takes ages for a native English speaker to acquire a fluent grasp of Thai. Nevertheless, the local population is very used to tourists and travelers (which they adore, by the way) and finding your way around with English shouldn’t be much of a problem.

4. Dublin

Dublin is a bustling city where you can find colleagues from almost every country in the world: expats currently account for 20% of the city's population!

It's a city where you will easily find like-minded entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, businesspeople and freelancers and have many chances to connect through networking events and conferences.

The only drawback to Dublin is that it's quite expensive, especially if you come from a country with lower price standards. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment will set you back at least 1,500 dollars and can go much higher if you're aiming for something in the city center.

To be prepared and plan your stay out in advance, you need to buckle up and find great, reliable and high-paying clients. You can usually count on a steady flow of writing work if you work for websites, magazines, platforms or agencies. Here are some suggestions where you can apply and increase your workload: TopEssayWriting (essay writing service catering to students around the world), goLance (always helps find best freelance writing jobs), and ClassyEssay (academic essay writing agency.


You definitely shouldn’t miss out on the perks of being a freelance writer: of course, you don’t have to be a full-time digital nomad, but when your work allows you to travel anywhere and still earn money, it would be a shame to skip these amazing destinations!

Who knows, one of these amazing countries and cities might just become your new place of residence.