7 Reasons AI Is No Match For Human Writers

Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm. As a business owner, you are likely exploring AI and how it can benefit your company. Advanced technology allows you to reach new heights and develop in game-changing ways. AI is no different.

But a word of caution. Sometimes, when things seem too good to be true, it's because they are. For all that AI offers, there are also potential downsides. Certain things need a human touch. Technology cannot feel, connect, or even tell very good jokes. Finding the balance of utilizing AI technology while continuing to invest in quality people is the balance you are looking to strike. And when it comes to finding quality writers that will evoke emotions and connect with your audience, AI isn’t going to cut it.

We have all been captivated by the jaw-dropping writing capabilities of AI. It spits out an impressive amount of content within seconds of setting your parameters. It would take a human writer hours to complete the same task. It is a truly impressive thing to witness…until you read it. What AI misses is the human element. The connection. The emotion. The ability to truly understand and translate a client's heart into words. While AI can give you content, it won't connect with your readers.

Again and again, AI has tried to capture the essence of human communication, but it continually falls short. Technology is no match for the creativity and emotion that real content writers can provide. If you are looking to hire a content writer, hire a human.

Human language is complex. Throughout our lifetime, we use words to do much more than spew information. We form connections with the nuances of language that allow us to relate to other humans. Technology cannot mimic these intricacies.

Here are some of the things we do as humans that AI can't replicate yet:

1. Context

When writers create, they are operating from their unique worldview. A good writer fully understands the context of their own worldview and also that of the readers. Providing a relatable context and showing an understanding of a reader's world is essential to forming a connection. Someone who understands context knows which issues need more explanation for an average reader. Conversely, context also helps prevent over-explaining and boring their readers. Technology doesn't understand the human experience well enough to write from a relatable perspective.

2. Hyperbole

Writers use hyperbole as a valuable tool to drive home their point. We use hyperbole daily as we talk with our peers, but it is often lost in translation when communicating with people from different cultures and languages. AI doesn't get it. A communication gap exists because it doesn't understand hyperbole thoroughly enough to use it well.

3. Prose

A talented writer will develop a natural flow that reads like a conversation–using grammar rules but taking liberties to form a conversational tone. Readers connect with writing that reads like a conversation, and they understand because it's how they talk as well. AI often attempts to strip writing of the human element, making it grammatically correct but landing flat.

4. Judgment

AI is limited to information and data. It may write a piece that makes no sense because it chooses words from a thesaurus that don't work in context. A writer has a deep understanding of the human language and proper judgment skills that allow them to make the right choices in words and phrases.

5. Creativity

AI creates a piece by compiling information from a data bank. The thing about humans is that our creativity and capacity for innovating are endless. AI can explore the depths of what has already been created. Humans can do more.

6. Variation

Good writers have many tools in their arsenal that they use to be great at what they do. One of these tools is varying sentence structure to pack a punch. Keeping a piece interesting by playing with sentence length and various words is lost on AI. It can spit out an informational piece, but it will lack the tools to create an emotional response by readers.

7. Humor

AI tells terrible jokes. Humor is so deeply rooted in nuances that AI usually misses the mark. A computer program doesn't even begin to understand the human experience, which is the root of much of the humor we connect with.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay. Any business would be crazy not to explore refining processes and increasing productivity with AI capabilities. AI can, in fact, serve as an excellent tool for writers.

Writers can utilize AI to generate ideas, help outline, and assist with editing and proofreading. AI can be a game-changing tool that writers can use to improve their work and grow their skills. But if you are looking for writing that connects and evokes emotion in your readers, you need to hire a human copywriter–a writer who uses it as a tool but who you haven’t replaced with AI.
