7 Customer Service Rules All Freelancers Should Follow
The idea of freelancing is very appealing to many people. Not only does it provide a level of flexibility most nine to five jobs simply cannot, but it also allows people to choose which type of projects they want to work on.
As with all things in life, no positive comes without its negative, and a big drawback to freelancing work is instability. Many freelancers end up going from one job to another, and finding new clients and keeping current ones can be difficult.
Unfortunately, some freelancers have a reputation for being unreliable, and because of the sheer number of freelancers available, clients are quick to cut their freelancers loose for even minor discretions. Because of this, freelancers need to abide by a set of important customer service rules if they wish to keep their clients and add more. Throughout the rest of this article, we will look at some of the most important customer service rules every freelancer should keep in mind.
1) Keep Deadlines
One of the main complaints people have when it comes to freelancers is deadlines. Far too often, an individual or business will hire a freelancer to complete a task, and they fail to deliver by the given due date. Of all the customer service rules a freelancer should keep in mind, sticking to the agreed-upon deadlines is one of the most important.
2) Ask For Clarification When Needed
Miscommunications happen in business, especially when email or instant messenger is the primary medium of contact. "Because of this, it is essential that freelancers ask all the questions they need upfront and as early as possible to avoid any potential issues that can arise later on due to poor communication," writes Jeffrey Barr, a freelance blogger at Writinity and Last minute writing.
Doing this can save time for both parties, as misunderstandings can lead to an incorrectly done product that may need to be corrected or redone entirely. Not only does this create a delay for the client, but it also means the freelancer will have to do more work than they had initially planned on doing.
3) Keep Communication Channel Open
Sometimes, issues arise that are outside of our control and may impact our ability to finish projects on time. When this occurs, it is imperative that the client is made aware as soon as possible. Further to this point, providing updates on progress is an excellent way of keeping clients in the loop and letting them know if any further issues arise.
4) Establish Clear And Agreed Upon Expectations
As we have already stated, miscommunication is the primary source of most issues between freelancers and clients. One of the best ways to avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding is by taking the time to flesh out clear and concise expectations. Not only does this make the project much easier to complete on time, but it also gives both sides a clear paradigm to operate under should disagreements arise once the project is completed.
5) Create A Written Outline Of What Is To Be Delivered
One of the best ways a freelancer can improve their professionalism is by creating a short outline of precisely what they will deliver to their client once the due date arrives. It is essential to understand that not all clients will appreciate this for smaller jobs since it could mean more paperwork and more emails to read. However, larger jobs may call for a more formalized outline that will provide clients with the opportunity to make any last-minute changes.
6) Be Flexible
Not all clients are the same, and the needs of each will differ from project to project. "Many businesses complain that the freelancers they hire are not flexible enough to meet their needs, and freelancers who can provide an agreeable degree of flexibility will find themselves with more jobs than those who do not," writes Hank Hall, a business writer at Draft Beyond and Research papers UK.
7) Accept Mistakes
Mistakes happen, it's a part of life, and most people are willing to forgive honest errors. This being said, no one likes people who cannot take ownership of their mistakes and are constantly making excuses. Not only is this a customer service issue, but it's also a matter of trust and respect.
About the Author:
Ashley Halsey is a professional writer at Do my assignment and Gumessays who has been involved in many projects throughout the country. Mother of two children, she enjoys traveling, reading, and attending business training courses.